Home-Aliyan Faisal
Hello 👏, I am Aliyan Faisal a PHP Full Stack Developer. 💻 🌟 Founder and CEO UrbanSofts (2022) 🚀🚀🚀 🌟 Top Rated on Upwork ( 10% of Upwork ) 🚀🚀🚀 🌟 Level 2 Seller on Fiverr ( $45k+ Earned ) 🚀🚀🚀 🌟 5 Years of Web Development Experience 🚀🚀🚀 🌟 200+ Orders/Contracts Completed on Fiverr + Upwork 🚀🚀🚀 🌟 50+ Orders from Local-Market and Out-Sourced Projects 🚀🚀🚀 🌟 Top Performer at GreyMatter Ventures 2020-2021 🚀🚀🚀
📍📍📍📍 WordPress Development 📍📍📍📍 It has been 5 years working with WordPress Development. Provided Professional Web Services to more than 300+ clients on online Freelance Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr, and from Local-Market. I offer all kinds of Web Development Solutions. 🌟 WooCommerce for eCommerce related plugin 🌟 Integrate Payment Gateways 🌟 WooCommerce Customizations 🌟 Membership Customizations 🌟 Plugin to integrate any kind of external and internal API 🌟 Elementor Page Builder Related Plugin 🌟 Ajax and Dynamic Content 🌟 Shortcodes and Widgets 🌟 jetEngine / Custom Post Type Plugin 🌟 Contact Forms 🌟 Form Builder 🌟 Additional Theme Options 🌟 Custom Meta Boxes 🌟 WooCommerce Cart, Checkout, Order, etc.. enhancement 🌟 Database Data Getting and Setting Plugin 🌟 REST API 🌟 Shortcode 🌟 Metadata 🌟 Elementor Widgets 🌟 Gutenburg Widgets 🌟 Custom PHP Code Snippets
📍📍📍📍📍 Laravel Development 📍📍📍📍📍 When it comes to build Dynamic, Fully-Flexible and Powerful Web-Applications, I use Laravel as the main technology and I have provided Professional and Expert Solutions to my Clients. Backend Scripting with Laravel is as good as Butter on Bread 🍞 I offer: 🌟 Build a Complete Dynamic Website 🌟 Building any kind of functionality 🌟 Create a All in One Admin Dashboard 🌟 API development 🌟 Adding/updating new and existing features 🌟 Third- Party Services and API integrations 🌟 Full Enterprise Level Developments 🌟 Powerful Dashboards 🌟 CRM-Based Apps 🌟 E-commerce Stores 🌟 Organisational Web Apps 🌟 Analytical Admin Panels 🌟 Single Page Applications 🌟 Real-time Applications 🌟 Write neat and optimized code 🌟 Upgrade from the previous version to the latest version of Laravel 🌟 Integrating the application with external API and web services 🌟 Dynamic Building of Website